August 2024: Ódáðahraun XII

Askja, Dyngjufjöll, Iceland, Moon
Askja: A clear night between autumn storms...

Holuhraun, nine years ago...

Revisited my photos from the days and nights at the Holuhraun eruption in September and October 2014. What a luck to see it that close!

Holuhraun, Eruption, Bárðarbunga, Lava, Pressure Ridge, Snow
I: The first encounter
Holuhraun, Eruption, Bárðarbunga, Lava, Glow
II: An unforgetable evening at the Holuhraun eruption
Holuhraun, Eruption, Bárðarbunga, Lava, Glow
III: Holuhraun micro climate above the lava stream
Holuhraun, Eruption, Bárðarbunga, Lava, Pressure Ridge, Snow
IV: Fresh snow and pressure ridges, early morning

Ódáðahraun XI

July 2023

Askja, Hilleberg Soulo, Trekking, Iceland
On Trölladyngja. looking towards Dyngjufjöll and Herðurbreið

This years journey was planned different. It became two separate walks in Ódáðahraun with a gap of one week in between. First, I finally got up Trölladyngja, but the retreated northwards because of illness and a combination of a too light sleeping bag and very bad weather approaching.

A few photos below... More to come!

And a first photo from the second walk in the northern part of the lava desert:

Ketilhyrnur, seen from Heilagsdalsfjall
Ketilhyrnur, seen from Heilagsdalsfjall

Ódáðahraun X

August 2022: In the lava desert, again.

Askja, Caldera, Öskjuvatn, Ódáðahraun, Vatnajökullnationalpark
Öskjuvatn under a blanket of fog during blue hours in early August 2022. Seen from the western caldera rim.

Three years passed by and I finally made it again to the little lava desert in the northeast of Iceland. While Germany was in its, now usual, draught and heat wave, we had to endure unusual amounts of precipitation and a lot of wind instead. But good it was! We walked from a secluded side valley of Bárðardalur to Askja and ended in Svartárkot.

Some first impressions are in the gallery below. More may come later...

Special thanks to KIP!

PS: Uplift at Ólafsgígar is now above 350mm...

Ódáðahraun VIII

February 2018: Warm winter days in the Mývatnsöræfi

Update November 2022:

A new gallery from a strange time in the northern parts of my favourite volcanic desert.

Ódáðahraun VI

Update October 2021:

Three new galleries from an extended walk on and around Öskjuvegur in the year of 2016:


Askja, uplifting

Askja, Caldera, Ódáðahraun, Öskjuvatn
View towards Askja from Erkesfell.

Alas, again I have no new images from Ódáðahraun this year... Nevertheless, it is time for some news from the heart of Ódáðahraun. An uplift of now (middle of October) almost 150mm is being measured amidst Askja since middle of August. It could be magma accumulation a few kilometres below the surface. For many years there has been deflation in the area, so this is an important change in the volcanos' behaviour. The landrise currently occurs below the areas called Ólafsgígar, Mývetningahraun and below Öskjuvatn. Let's see what happens next.... At least it is a good opportunity to publish some yet unpublished panoramas here.


Daily GPS Measurements around Askja: Link (-> Ólafsgígar OLAC)

July 2013: Standing on crevassed Mývetningahraun where it plunges into Öskjuvatn.
July 2013: Standing on crevassed Mývetningahraun where it plunges into Öskjuvatn.
Uplift, Askja, Eruption, Earthquake, òlafsgígar, mývetningahraun, myvetningahraun, Iceland
Unbelievable light situation at the southwestern edge of Öskjuvatn. You can see the lavafield Mývetningahraun disappear into the lake on the left hand side. Ólafsgígar are located behind ar the northeastern shore.
Askja, Öskjuvegur, Caldera, Uplift, Landrise, Ólafsgígar, Mývetningahraun, Öskjuvatn, Dyngjufjöll
Askja seen from the Austurfjöll in the wintery summer of 2015.

Of course you are welcome to visit my dedicated ÓDÁÐAHRAUN galleries, though 

many photos from recent trips are still missing...


Eckerstausee, 2020

Something for the time being...


Ódáðahraun, August 2019

In the last years I spent well over 100 days hiking in the lava field of evil deeds. But painful feet of eternal hikes over sharp-edged lava are quickly forgotten in such moments as this distant view to the queen of all mountains. More than 50 km away from my position at the western edge of the Ódáðahraun she towers over the hostile lava shield of Kollóttadyngja. And when a group of Icelandic horses joins in at the right moment:

Herðubreið, Ódáðahraun, Icelandic Horse, Isländer, Riding, Kollóttadyngja, Iceland, Volcano, Viðiker

My fortune with the weather couldn't be greater, the right time to climb Þorvaldstindur:


A combination of work and amenities on a very green island in the Atlantic Ocean. With some different photos than usually shown here...

A dedicated gallery about my trekking journey's into the barren and otherworldly lava fields of the Ódáðahraun:

Thy Nationalpark

Thy, Bake, Jütland, Denmark, Danmark, Nationalpark, Stenbjerg, Klit, Vorupör
Stenbjerg Bake

A few days in the oldest national park of Denmark.

THY Gallery.

A visit to the karst mountains of Xingping.

Guilin, Xingping, Yangshuo, Guangxi, China, Karst

The gallery is online.



perseids, sternschnuppe, shooting star, Milchstraße, Milkyway
Perseiden Meteore (Achtermann, Harz)

Brocken: Lunar Eclipse & Mars

Finally some fresh images taken during the lunar eclipse from the highest mountain of Northern Germany.

More images in the HARZ gallery.

Blutmond, Brocken, Blocksberg, Harz, Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon, Mars, 2018
Teufelskanzel, Moon & Mars

Mývatnsöræfi, February 2018

Ódáðahraun, Odadahraun, Iceland, Winter
Ódáðahraun during our flight to Iceland. What a wonderful view... A few days later it looked different!


Brockengeiser im Sonnenuntergang (Brockenm, Harz, Mittelgebirge, Blocksberg, Winter, Kampfzone, Wandern, Ski, Langlauf, Schneeschuh, Jens Bachmann)

Picture of the Month
