
"Svartadyngja is situated 8 km west of Herðubreiðartögl and 8 km south of Flatadyngja. Like the latter, Svartadyngja is a very low and flat, depressed lava cone, the summit of which has an altitude of 758m.

Part of its lava flowed southeast- and eastward, passing through the gateway between Herðubreiðartögl and Miðfell, and disappearing beneath the sandur halfway to Hlaupfell at about 580m.


The crater of Svartadyngja consists of some sinks, craterpits and tilted blocks of lava surrounded by a more level area, which is presumably a larger sink filled by lava which has flown over its borders."

- R.W. van Bemmelen and M.G. Rutten: Tablemountains of Northern Iceland, Utrecht 1955 -


Svartadyngja, Ódáðahraun, Öskjuvegur, Iceland, Volcano, shield, eldgos, lava, earthquake
Svartadyngja "summit", seen through the tele lens from Öskjuvegurinn.
Svartadyngja, Ódáðahraun, Öskjuvegur, Iceland, Volcano, shield, eldgos, lava, earthquake
The flat bulge of Svartadyngja from NW. Herðubreiðartögl (left) and Vikrafell (right) in the background.

Picture of the Month

Bræðrafell, late August 2024